Three days of music under the blistering California sun with overpriced bottles of water equals the Coachella Music Festival 2009. Maybe it's jealousy, actually, probably not because the East Coast will be doing the same come summer at All Points West... While most festivals are fun in theory, they usually end up being body-to-body contact in sweltering temperatures and really awful views of your favorite bands who are usually awkwardly trying to entertain. This year's recent victim: M.I.A. Now don't get this wrong -- homegirl knows how to work a stage, but when the venue gets bigger and security is putting a hold audience participation, things just get awkward. Thanks to AT&T's live stream of the festival not a special moment was missed and M.I.A. struggled to get things going. Even after a forced attempt at a "stage invasion," Miss Maya really just wanted to get back to the tents. "I want to feel the sweat," the rapper admitted. Us too, Maya, us too! Not missing much at this year's Coachella Festival, but still waiting for Public Enemy to perform...