A new trend is plaguing rapper these days, and no it's not autotune. It's rap stars willing to go half on a baby with their knocked up jumpoffs. Really? Are we to believe that this new "promise" is a perk? A sign of good values? Or even better, are black men manning up? OMFG!! Tell me it ain't so!?! It's true urban cultured is epitomized by the high percent of single mothers and teenage pregnancies. But as much truth as those numbers show, why is it right for rappers to use the anti-stereotype -- a male taking responsibility and promising to not be a deadbeat dad -- as a thug status? Is it not your duty as a man to own up and take measures to support your child and the mother that bring him/her into this world. That's not even a question; it's a FACT. So, sorry JadaKiss, The Dream, and all the rest of you superstars willing to front the dough for what's baking in the oven...I'll pass.